Hand holding sage organic herbal smokable herb
Sage antibacterial & antioxidant properties make it great for a tea, smoke, bath, vape and medicinal smoke.


Smoking sage can ease headaches. As a tea, it improves mood. An herbal bath promotes feelings of relaxation.  A vape will boost memory. An herbal steam relieves congestion and stuffy nose.


Sages latin name, Salvia, derives from salvere (“to save”). A symbol of fertility, good health and long life. It is high in antioxidants that aids brain function, lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Molecular Profile

Polysaccharides are naturally found in Sage and have immune supportive characteristics. It contains high amounts of volatile oils like rosmarinic acid which functions with antioxidant properties.

Additional Info

Sage is mostly used in our Herbs for Meditation. Also view our Herbs for Relaxation, Herbs for Energy and all our herbal blends here.

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